I don't know about everyone else, but I'm exhausted!!! Today I found myself wondering if it's too soon to start a countdown for Spring Break! But, tired as I am, I can't wait for tomorrow! I love doing my Dr. Seuss author study, and we're starting tomorrow. I like to start with "Happy Birthday to You!". When I start talking about Dr. Seuss my class always expects the more popular books like "The Cat in the Hat", "Green Eggs and Ham", "Horton Hears a Who"...the list goes on. Most of my students have never read "Happy Birthday to You!". But I figure, the whole reason we celebrate Dr. Seuss in March is because of his birthday - so why not start with a birthday book on his birthday?! (Or the day before if his birthday is a Saturday!) Every year I search for a fun activity to do with this book, and every year I find absolutely
nothing - so tonight as I sat down to begin my search I decided I would save myself some time and just make something myself. Of course, it wasn't long before I realized the reason I have never made an activity is because I had no idea what to do! After re-reading the book for the third time I finally gave up on trying to think of a fun birthday-themed activity and instead decided to use my favorite quote in the book to make a writing prompt. Dr. Seuss says "Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" I've always loved that! I made a writing prompt where students can share what it is that makes them unique! You can download your very own freebie
here at my TPT store! I'll have more fun Dr. Seuss posts soon, but for now I have eighteen Dr. Seuss birthday cupcakes to frost!
PS - If you've never read this one, you should check it out! Target has it on sale for $10 right now!!
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